The rantings and musings of a comic book geek and film nerd who works in a store that sells stuff! Follow our hero as he tries to understand the world around him and the terrifying changes that come with the ever expanding universe we live in
I did have a post all plotted out about how you should enjoy your weekend and not waste your free time but... Blog press the app I use on my iPhone has decided that it doesn't want to post this morning and seen as there is no way to connect drafts saved there to the ones on the here I'm having to scrap that idea and go for something else.
okay I wont lie to you I don't really have anything at the minute other than a good sort out is great for the mind as well as your room!
I finally sorted out all my comics into there correct boxes and added the new stuff to the whole mix.
I already had two full boxes and a half box (I used the half box when I went to uni for ease of movement between houses!) but have recently gotten two more so I thought it was about time to sort this shit out! Its an ingenious system if you ask me.
The half box contains all the random one shots, mini series and free comic book day stuff I picked up over the years on a whim.
the two original boxes and one new box now contain back issues from B-X (I don't have anything outside of those letters
And the last new box contains all of the current titles I am reading. This list is small at the minute but a lot of things have hit our shores yet so there are more to come in the next few months.
I know this seems like a pointless post but I was rather annoyed with the blog press app and plan on whining like a little bitch until they sort out the issue.
In 2005 I was introduced to a young lady named Amber Moelter on the set of a fan film Catwoman: Copycat It was my first meeting with Amber and the world of fan films, and I must say I was very impressed from the start. Sadly Copycat never saw the light of day bar a fantastic teaser promo video
I stayed in contact with Amber over the years and followed her career as best I could. Starting with her own Catwoman flick Catwoman: Resolution Shot in New York over the Christmas period 2005, it told the story of Selina Kyle's lust for jewels and the trouble it causes! It also featured my very own brother as Frankie the villainous Mob boss. This movie was finished and can be found at the above link! It has been online for a couple of years but you should still go and check it out.
In time I became aware of new projects, some didn't pan out but luckily some of the ones that did are sat on my Mac and iPod as we speak. Last Summer Amber released her debut EP under the guise of Girl in the Red Dress a three track EP to coinside with the release of her latest undertaking, a new flick named Dirty Step Upstage. I don't care who you are, everyone likes a tales of revenge and ladies in tight fitting, shiny clothes! It's story is based on real events experienced by our entrapaneurial heroine whilst at the Midem Music Market in Cannes in 2006. I still remember her telling me the story first hand in a hotel in Leeds, it still shocks me! A reality thriller that premiered and opened the Chashama Film Festival in New York last October and won Amber a best actress award! DSU went to the Maverick Movie Awards where it was nominated for 10 awards: Best Picture, Director, Screenplay, Soundtrack, Editor, Sound Editor, Best Actor & Actress, Best Supporting Actor & Actress! Nova Reid won the award for Best Actress which is pretty amazing seen as most Hollywood movies don't get that many nods. I also just heard that the movie won Silver Palm award from the Mexico International Film Festival! The flick has also been accepted into several more international festivals in America, South Africa, Ireland, and Egypt. That film is all over the place!
Her latest project has taken her back to her Catwoman days with the announcement of Amber Moelter's Catwoman Summer 2010 project! it's basically a chance to see a real life version of your favourite Catwoman, it should be a lot of fun and hopefully, if we badger her enough, when she has time she may just make another fan film based on Gotham's favourite feline anti hero!
Pop along to the facebook group, or follow her on Twitter she is under the name @almtalkies you can also find her blog over at
Boy oh boy, it's been a hot one as of late! It seems like for the past week I have been cooked by the sun on a daily basis (but thanks to my cunning I have kept my pastey white complexion!) I seem to have spent more time in the sun in this past week than I have in the past year.
Just to quickly get you all up to speed, I didn't go outside much as a child, or at anytime after that really. I still don't like going outside all that much, I'm still fat and am not built for heat or moderate warmth or anything above about 10 degrees
Ok, where was I? Oh yeah it's hot! All week whilst waiting for, then riding the bus to work I could feel it's angry rays bearing down on my "delicate flower" skin. Where has the heat come from? Yes I'm aware that it's May and summer is right around the corner, but it's been cold/wet/snowing for what feels like a dogs age and that's the way I like it! This being said however, on Sunday I got the call to meet my friends in town for a fun filled day of sunshine, sitting down and freash air. Who'da thought I would enjoy it!
Several hours of tossin' the pigs skin around (well the nerf skin) hittin' a baseball (and ultimately breaking the bat with my amazing Barry Bonds like strength) and sitting in the shade hiding from the sun was a real blast! Don't remember the last time I had so much fun outdoors. Yes I got hot and sweaty and yes I would rather be Kurt Russel in the Thing than Malcolm McDowell in Tank Girl but it was enjoyable none the less. Who knows I may even go outside more often!
To celebrate my new Bear Ghryls life style I shall post one of many pics of the outside world
Today is a sad day for me. I had to shave my playoff beard!
This morning when I woke (at 6 to be in work for 9 as it was stock take day in the store, I'll have more to say on this later) I checked my twitter feed and noticed, that the latest Sharks/Blackhawks game was on so I checked the result ad found out rather quickly that the Sharks had lost. I'm upset about that, I thought they could make it to the final series this year but ultimately they were beaten by the better team. The worst part of it all is that I had to shave the playoff beard. It seems like the playoffs have gone on forever this year and the beard was in full swing! it was time, as is tradition, to pull out the scissors, trimmer and razor and remove the spring fuzz from my face.
I couldn't go all the way though like I had planned, I decided to go with a little goatee, there is still chance I will get rid of the rest of it. I waiting to see what the reaction is to the new, trimmed facial do'
It was rather therapeutic however, removing the sadness and grief of my fallen sharks to emerge a new, optimistic for the coming season but more importantly the off season. Can the Sharks find that missing piece to their almost completed puzzle.
It is nice to not be covered in hair like some crazed mountain man! also the colour of it was amazing when I looked down into the sink to see how much had accumulated in the plug. It was copper! I didn't realize it was so ginger!
So farewell playoff beard, until next year old friend!
I didn't post yesterday for one reason, and no its not Red Dead Redemption! that comes later I didn't post yesterday because I went to see Prince of Persia, and now I wish I hadn't!
Right from the opening moments of the flick I knew I wouldn't like it. I know its not the mind set you should go into a film with but that's what happened with me. I could sit here and break down the movie scene by scene but that would take far too long and would be rather dull so I shall just pull out one or two points that stuck out for me.
1: The scene near the beginning of the flick that tells Dastan's (Jake Gyllenhaal) origin seemed to me to be very poorly dubbed and from a major motion picture I feel shafted! I know every scene has a certain amount of ADR done to it but that was just awful! also the accent was just offensive!
2: while I'm on the subject of accents... why were all the Persians British? I'm sure some were even cockneys!
3: Did anyone else notice the Assassins Creed reference near the beginning? (I ask that rhetorically because I know my friend who I went with noticed) why are you referencing Another game franchise? It just seems wrong!
4: Why were all the performances dull and lifeless? Did the cast feel they could just phone it in because they were assured that the flick would make money? I expect more from Sir Ben Kingsley! Were all the actors so sure their acting chops could carry them regardless? I'm Sorry Gemma Arterton you can't rely on mincing round in a sheet your whole career you are going to have to act at some point!
5: Surely if you are going to make a big budget action flick, it can't be that hard to make Entertaining action set pieces? At no point during the film did I sit up and go "Wow! that was cool" shame on you all the set pieces should have been the easiest thing to get right, just look at the games!
6: The CGI looked unfinished! that's all I have to say on that.
I think the reason I didn't like it was because I had already seen a so bad its enjoyable fantasy flick recently, its called Clash of the Titans. That was hilariously bad this was just dull!
If you like that sort of thing, or if you think I know nothing or that I'm a douche bag go check it out. Just don't blame me when you realise you have wasted an hour and fifty five minutes of your life!
I'm trying to get behind this "writing every day" and writing 1,000 words a day. After writing my earlier post I sat down and bashed some keys, trying to get some ideas flowing but my brain is so mashed right now I don't think I should carry on tonight. I feel bad because I wanted to really get motoring with this project but I think I'm so out of practice I need a rest already.
Ok so here's the thing. Today we had a visit from the regional manager, we knew he was coming, I think we had known since last week. If not last week then Monday but no later than that. Since yesterday morning the whole team or at least the full time memebers of the team have been running round like escaped Arkham inmates trying to make the store look as good as possible. When he finally showed, he spent thirty minutes maybe more, wandering around the store with our manager pointing at stock and shelves etc then left.
My question is... Why?
Why announce you were coming at all? If you wanted to make your visit count surely you would show up unannounced and see what the store is really like without the venear of extra effort put in the day before! If you wanted to see how you, or more importantly the staff of a particular store could improve it why give them a check list of new initiatives only to show up less than a week later to say it again? Yeah I'm sure some new information was imparted and exchanged but why not send a memo unless you need to show those above you that you are willing to go to every store no matter how much of a slum town it is in. I really do not understand the drama of it all! Now I'm sure someone can and will sit me down to tell me how it's procedure and such but at this momoent in time I just do not get it at all. It seems like a futile exercise, pomp and circumstance just for the sake of it. Or maybe I'm just acting pissy because I'm no more than a till jocky and get no say in anything at all?
Either way it just feels like there has been more stress placed upon an already fried groupe of people! Roll on tomorrow when we can forget out troubles with the action romp that is prince of Persia at the cinema and red dead redemption at home!
I have decided to start a blog in the hopes that I can get into the writing spirit once more. The aim is to write something every day here or if not here on bean or celtex. The end result being a fully finished script/comic/story.
I'm keeping this one short because it's late and I'm tired but hopefully I will have more in the coming days and weeks.