Wednesday 28 July 2010

Catwoman: Fanimation second draft

I added some things to the previous version, picked up a few misspellings and grammatical Frak ups and hopefully changed it for the better... I feel inspired after Listening to the latest Bendis Tapes from everyones favourite podcaster John Siuntres

Catwoman #3.2 Catwoman Animated Second Draft

Saturday 24 July 2010

Catwoman: Fanimation

Okay here we are again. Had another go at writing for the animated short planned as part of the Catwoman Summer Project

This one is completely different from the last the only thing that remains is that Catwoman gets shot by Deadshot and that's about it. I was a little disappointed not to get to use Dick as Batman but hey ho you gotta keep going, and I did!

As always feedback is welcomed and appreciated (as long as its constructive)


Catwoman #3.1 Catwoman Animated

Friday 23 July 2010

The Power Inside Us!

I thought I should have something up here about the comic, Its been all Catwoman and her summer of love over at Amber's facebook page recently I haven't posted anything other than the odd tweet about the comic. I just want to state that the comic is coming along fine and it was finished (in my quickest turn around to date) if you ignore the couple of days I spent working on Catwoman stuff it only took me may three days to write issue 4 which for me is pretty amazing!

Issue 4 is the end of the first arc and I plan on introducing more characters in the second story. some of whom were teased in issues 2 and 4.

Just wanted to get some news out there about the comic and remind everyone that I don't want to be a till slave my whole life.

I Heart Comics! (I wonder if I can get a banner from Dark horse now?)

Catwoman: The Animated Series

Well maybe not but it is for a "fan-imation" (if that isn't already a word I'm calling dibs on it and you all owe me money when it becomes a real thing) being planned over on Facebook.

So here we are, my whack at an animated short based on the original treatment by Martin Lafrance

Catwoman #3 Catwoman Animated

Catwoman #2.3

Here it is, my latest attempt at Catwoman #2

I don't think I have anymore to give at this point.

Catwoman #2.3 Cat & the Lioness

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Saturday 17 July 2010

Second short announced.

Yesterday Amber announced the second script to be turned into a short, for those of you who have been following this is all part of her summer project for those of you who haven't there is a link here

The winning script came from Gael Mansard and was titled "The Cat & The Lioness" which you can read here

What follows is my version of the chosen story. Hope ya'll dig it. 

Catwoman #2 Cat & the Lioness

Thursday 15 July 2010

Catwoman #2.2

Yes its one final visit to Gotham city for me with another short for the summer project hosted over at facebook by the one and only Ms Moelter

This time we see Selina aka Catwoman have a moment with a past love during a break in.

Hope you enjoy Catwoman #2: Past Lives

Catwoman #2- Past Lives

Monday 12 July 2010

Return to Gotham

Another week another script full of Catwoman shinanigans! I've been over this before but check out Amber's facebook group for more details, join in the Summer, shiny fun!

So here follows my script for the second (yes you read that right second!) fan film short Amber plans to shoot as part of her Summer project. Hope you all like it, leave a comment if you do (or don't) so here we are Catwoman #2: Trophies

Catwoman #2- Trophies

Sunday 4 July 2010

The Cat is back!

To celebrate the continuation of Amber Moelter's Catwoman Summer Project
 I have gone back to my original submission for a short and had some fun with it. I have Gone back over it and converted it into a comic book script.

I started out with a silent one page script as the project guide lines stated. Then wrote what I consider to be a normal script based on the silent one page. THEN re-worked that and added in panels and suggestions of shots for an artist to use. It was fun but weird. I was taught not to add shots, only to write what you see so this was a challenge ... but one I enjoyed doing none the less. I did like seeing this grow in pages from one to six in a day. 

Catwoman #1 the Hunt Comic

Hope you guys like it. I had a lot of fun writing it. If anyone can think of a character they'd like me to have a whack at I'd be more than happy to cause I need the practice if I'm honest. you can leave a comment here or send me a message at my Twitter or Facebook Pages. I've also opened up a Tumblr account so I can post all the random crap that falls out of my brain and leave this for my writing.

Until next time true believers!