Wow... been a while since I posted here. hasn't been a One Page Comic for a while, naughty me! I have been working however. I've had a couple of new ideas this past week and by new ideas I mean new projects not just ideas for Honor Bound.
Feels pretty good, having ideas flowing again. I've never been what you would call prolific when it comes to being the ideas man, I'me usually the guy who sits worrying about one concept he had a year ago while everyone around him has been churning something new out each month/week/day...
Don't want to go into too much detail at the minute as to what I've got cooking because there isn't really anything to show at the minute but one is a quasi-autobiographical piece and the other is an adventure with monsters!
Oh before I forget there is a treatment up from ALMTalkies for the Girl in the Red Dress music video that I contributed too. you can hit it up here more details as soon as there is some!