Saturday, 19 June 2010

Catwoman and the summer of work

A little while ago I posted something up about my friend Amber and her love for Gotham's feline anti-hero Catwoman. She has a project on at the moment which has now ended but you can still join in and enjoy the feline fun with a short script or treatment you can find the info over at her blog here and can post submission here

I came up with a little something this morning after about a week or so of contemplating it. Its real rough and done in the way I write scripts which is without screen direction, I was taught not to write shooting scripts so here goes.

Catwoman #1: the hunt


SELINA KYLE aka CATWOMAN makes her way though a large storage unit. The racks that fill the space are packed with gadgets, training equipment and several acquired trinkets.

CATWOMAN stands before an antique desk covered with a map of Gotham city. CATWOMAN follows a trail made by a red marker pen. Several points on the map have been pulled out and a close up photographs of ledges and fire escapes pinned to the map.
Where is it?

CATWOMAN searches the desk for a MANILA FOLDER. Checking the drawers she finds it in the bottom drawer.

opens the folder and moves to the open space between the racking. As she studies the contents of the folder she walks her path through the streets of Gotham in her mind. Turning on the spot and making small hops over the imaginary scaled down rooftops.

pauses when she turns to a photograph of an extravagant diamond necklace. She looks at it with a playful gaze.
Its so pretty.

CATWOMAN continues on her imaginary walk through whilst staring at the PHOTOGRAPH.

Making her back over to the desk CATWOMAN places the MANILA FOLDER down on top of the map leaving the PHOTOGRAPH out of the folder. The end of the red line trail a building is circled with an annotation also in red which reads “Black Mask
Lucky for me , I look good in diamonds

CATWOMAN Leaves the Storage unit turning the lights off as she leaves.

Hope you all enjoyed it. Be sure to follow the project on Facebook, Amber's blog and also follow her on Twitter

Take it easy!

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