Thursday, 17 June 2010

One issue down, Several hundred more to go with any luck!

It's been a while since I finished my first issue. A week or so now and I was meaning to post something when it was completed, a sort of congratulatory update where I pat myself on the back and talk about how great I feel. Well some time has passed since then and I would just like to say, for the record, I do feel pretty great about it!

Sure Its only a first draft and yes there is no artist attached yet so its not really finished but it still doesn't alter the fact that I completed something I set out to do some four years ago now and that feels pretty awesome! To be honest it still feels pretty weird that it has taken me this long to get started, or that I managed to get anything out of it. For such a long time it was but a passing thought in the back of my mind and now it is a real "thing" that I can hold in my hand. Well I could if it were printed out (and I had a working printer to do so)

The plan is still the same, to build up a number of issues and then go looking for someone to realize this world of mine. I know how it will look in my head, I just need to find someone with the talent to put that on the page. Shouldn't be too hard, I just need to find someone with the right style to give a shit about a indie superhero book written by a fan boy who has never done this before ... sounds easy doesn't it?

Well lets just hope that we can get that far.

Until next time true believers!

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