I just finished watching the informant with Matt Damon and I have a couple of things to say.
Firstly I kinda like Matt Damon I don't think he is terrible but I also don't herald him as the worlds greatest actor. That being said I feel that the overall kooky-ness of his character would have popped a lot more if it had been played by another actor. I'd like to see Sam Rockwell tackle it!
Also the constant lies and never ending twists in the tale should have been hilarious but it just wasn't. There was potential there and it missed the mark. Not by much, it is in no way a bad film, it's just not great. Average is what I'm getting at. The movie is average and nothing more.
Also if you have Clancy Brown and Patton Oswalt for god sake use them!
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The rantings and musings of a comic book geek and film nerd who works in a store that sells stuff! Follow our hero as he tries to understand the world around him and the terrifying changes that come with the ever expanding universe we live in
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Insane bolt!
I know the last couple of posts were all about scripts but ... that's kinda the point genius! But it has gotten me thinking. Writing for something else has been a lot of fun! Its nice to think about an already established world for a change instead of obsessing over one you are inventing as you type so I got to thinking...
what if I did it more often? y'know just for fun? I could use it as a kind of exercise, Do a script that's say... a page long, two at the most and use that to help hone my skills? I know there is a certain stigma that comes with fan fiction but it might just work out?
Lemme know what you think!
what if I did it more often? y'know just for fun? I could use it as a kind of exercise, Do a script that's say... a page long, two at the most and use that to help hone my skills? I know there is a certain stigma that comes with fan fiction but it might just work out?
Lemme know what you think!
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Write, Re-write, Repeat
Hey, its been a while (well its been a week but it feels longer!) The summer project hosted by my friend Amber has found its costume and now its script for the short she plans to film later in the year.
The winning script came from fellow ALM Talkies supporter Matt Mcloughlin for his tale of Selina getting back into the saddle (or should I say boots) of Gotham's favourite femme fatale Catwoman
The fun isn't over yet though as Amber is looking for help making the script as tight as possible and is welcoming all suggestions to help make this little fan short as good as we all know it can be. I have had a shot at a re-write this afternoon. I spent a couple of hours knocking it up and I hope you like it...
Here is my submission for the second draft of Catwoman #1 Re-emergence by Matt Mcloughlin.
Apolgies for the formatting, not sure whats going on with it but oh well. Hope you all dig it. throw up an suggestions you may have here or over at the Facebook page and lets see if we can't make a great little flick!
Until next time Comic book fans!
The winning script came from fellow ALM Talkies supporter Matt Mcloughlin for his tale of Selina getting back into the saddle (or should I say boots) of Gotham's favourite femme fatale Catwoman
The fun isn't over yet though as Amber is looking for help making the script as tight as possible and is welcoming all suggestions to help make this little fan short as good as we all know it can be. I have had a shot at a re-write this afternoon. I spent a couple of hours knocking it up and I hope you like it...
Here is my submission for the second draft of Catwoman #1 Re-emergence by Matt Mcloughlin.
Int. Selina Kyles Apartment. Night.
SELINA KYLE unlocks the door to her apartment and enters.
SELINA kicks the door closed with the heel of her foot and throws her KEYS onto the table by the door. Takes off her JACKET and throws it over the couch.
SELINA makes her way towards the BATHROOM and turns on the light. Stretching out her tired body SELINA moves towards the SINK and clutches it in support.SELINA KYLEGuh! Why do you do it Selina?
SELINA lifts he head slightly and looks at herself in the mirror.SELINA KYLE
Every night its the same clubs and the same bands and the same god-damn people.
SELINA begins to laugh to herself quietly and sway rhythmically.
Behind her in the darkness of her apartment a CAT begins to meow softly. SELINA snaps her head upwards and glares into the mirror.
With her teeth clenched SELINA curses the intruder.SELINA KYLE
Cats! I hate-
SELINA storms out of the bathroom in search.SELINA KYLECats...
An open WINDOW catches SELINA'S attention. The meowing is coming from outside.
SELINA slams the WINDOW shut. Resting her forehead on the glass SELINA snorts angrily onto the window pane.
SELINA falls to the floor clutching her head to the sound of a WHIP cracking.
When SELINA opens her eyes CATWOMAN is stood before her.CatwomanWe both know that's not true.
CATWOMAN moves to the COUCH and clears herself a place to sit.CATWOMANYou always were a bitter drunk Selina... A filthy one too.
CATWOMAN gracefully sits on the COUCH and begins to lounge.CATWOMANLook at you, trying to play nice with the little people. Trying to fit in with your skinny fit jeans and flavour of the month band tee, when you and I both know you prefer something really tight to slink around in.
SELINA sits below the window in shock.CATWOMANThey have missed you out there you know. The Bat and his circus troupe, Ivy hasn't bloomed since you left and don't get me started on Harley! And you've missed them haven't you kitten? Especially the bat.
CATWOMAN jumps to her feet.CATWOMANNo matter how hard you party its just not the same is it? you miss the rush of the hunt, you miss being chased! You miss the pretties. The city is a playground and you just want to sit and play in the sand. You can't stay here Selina, the slums are no place for a queen.
CATWOMAN walks to the door and opens it.CATWOMANWhen you remember who you are Selina I'll be waiting.
CATWOMAN exits the apartment leaving SELINA alone in the dark.
SELINA runs a tired hand from her forehead up through her hair before pulling herself up off the floor. SELINA slowly makes her way towards the bedroom where she collapses onto her bed.
SELINA notices the door to her wardrobe is open. She contemplates closing it before she give in to exhaustion.
A CAT begins to purr softly.
int. selina kyles apartment. Later that night.
SELINA KYLE sits on the edge of her bed in her CATWOMAN costume. SELINA is slowly pulling on her boots.SELINA KYLEHmm better than fresh tuna.
SELINA holds out her leg and looks over her boot with satisfaction.
Gracefully SELINA stands up and reaches for her BELT. She runs it through her hands before tying it around her waist and letting it hang on her slinky feline hips.SELINA KYLEAnd you can't play without your toys.
SELINA picks up her cowl, exits the bedroom and enters the bathroom.
SELINA stands in front of the mirror and looks her reflection straight in the eye.SELINA KYLESay goodbye to the ghetto Selina.
SELINA pulls on her cowl and completes the transformation into CATWOMAN.CATWOMAN
It's time to get back to the high life, and catch up with some old friends.end.
Until next time Comic book fans!
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Catwoman and the summer of work
A little while ago I posted something up about my friend Amber and her love for Gotham's feline anti-hero Catwoman. She has a project on at the moment which has now ended but you can still join in and enjoy the feline fun with a short script or treatment you can find the info over at her blog here and can post submission here
I came up with a little something this morning after about a week or so of contemplating it. Its real rough and done in the way I write scripts which is without screen direction, I was taught not to write shooting scripts so here goes.
Catwoman #1: the hunt
Hope you all enjoyed it. Be sure to follow the project on Facebook, Amber's blog and also follow her on Twitter
Take it easy!
I came up with a little something this morning after about a week or so of contemplating it. Its real rough and done in the way I write scripts which is without screen direction, I was taught not to write shooting scripts so here goes.
Catwoman #1: the hunt
SELINA KYLE aka CATWOMAN makes her way though a large storage unit. The racks that fill the space are packed with gadgets, training equipment and several acquired trinkets.
CATWOMAN stands before an antique desk covered with a map of Gotham city. CATWOMAN follows a trail made by a red marker pen. Several points on the map have been pulled out and a close up photographs of ledges and fire escapes pinned to the map.CATWOMAN
Where is it?CATWOMAN searches the desk for a MANILA FOLDER. Checking the drawers she finds it in the bottom drawer.
CATWOMAN opens the folder and moves to the open space between the racking. As she studies the contents of the folder she walks her path through the streets of Gotham in her mind. Turning on the spot and making small hops over the imaginary scaled down rooftops.
CATWOMAN pauses when she turns to a photograph of an extravagant diamond necklace. She looks at it with a playful gaze.CATWOMAN
Its so pretty.
CATWOMAN continues on her imaginary walk through whilst staring at the PHOTOGRAPH.
Making her back over to the desk CATWOMAN places the MANILA FOLDER down on top of the map leaving the PHOTOGRAPH out of the folder. The end of the red line trail a building is circled with an annotation also in red which reads “Black Mask”CATWOMAN
Lucky for me , I look good in diamonds
CATWOMAN Leaves the Storage unit turning the lights off as she leaves.
Hope you all enjoyed it. Be sure to follow the project on Facebook, Amber's blog and also follow her on Twitter
Take it easy!
Friday, 18 June 2010
Let us replace the national sport
I just want to state from the off, I wasn't watching the game! I was watching the notorious bettie page which was very good and made me wish for a gretchen mol of my own for Christmas but I digress.
I did see the last ten minutes of tonights "football" game between In-ger-lund and some country who only just discovered football a year ago, just before they got electricity! And I laughed so hard I want to take that moment, put it in a bag and sniff it from time to time when I feel sad!
For the last month all we have heard is football this and world cup that and support our lads and blah blah gorram blah! I have something I would like to throw into the mix, I know it's not a popular concept but one I think we should discuss after tonights lamentable performance.
Let's shift our focus from that sissy waste of time that is football and move it on to another sport we can get behind. Now cricket is right out because you "have to know what a crumpet is to understand cricket" tenis is a no go for obvious reasons! Rugby is a good second place because at least it's a real sport but I think we should devote our time and effort into the worlds greatest sport ... Ice hockey!
Now hear me out, we could divert all the wasted money used up on players wages (cause they all get paid far too much to basically fall down alot) the advertising, the constant police patroles to stop the idiots trying to shiv each other like a game of MW:2 and put it all into making our youngsters great hockey players! Just think, we could have a national sport we could be proud of, it would teach the children many things from how to hurt your opponent by smashing their face into some bullet proof glass, how to conduct yourself like a real man or woman I'm not sexist, and most of all it will teach us all that if your team sucks... At least they will get physically hurt during their lost adding to their humiliation!
How great would it be to watch your national team give it their all and come out of the game looking like this..?

I for one would be proud to see my team bleed for me!
Just think about it...
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I did see the last ten minutes of tonights "football" game between In-ger-lund and some country who only just discovered football a year ago, just before they got electricity! And I laughed so hard I want to take that moment, put it in a bag and sniff it from time to time when I feel sad!
For the last month all we have heard is football this and world cup that and support our lads and blah blah gorram blah! I have something I would like to throw into the mix, I know it's not a popular concept but one I think we should discuss after tonights lamentable performance.
Let's shift our focus from that sissy waste of time that is football and move it on to another sport we can get behind. Now cricket is right out because you "have to know what a crumpet is to understand cricket" tenis is a no go for obvious reasons! Rugby is a good second place because at least it's a real sport but I think we should devote our time and effort into the worlds greatest sport ... Ice hockey!
Now hear me out, we could divert all the wasted money used up on players wages (cause they all get paid far too much to basically fall down alot) the advertising, the constant police patroles to stop the idiots trying to shiv each other like a game of MW:2 and put it all into making our youngsters great hockey players! Just think, we could have a national sport we could be proud of, it would teach the children many things from how to hurt your opponent by smashing their face into some bullet proof glass, how to conduct yourself like a real man or woman I'm not sexist, and most of all it will teach us all that if your team sucks... At least they will get physically hurt during their lost adding to their humiliation!
How great would it be to watch your national team give it their all and come out of the game looking like this..?
I for one would be proud to see my team bleed for me!
Just think about it...
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Location:Albert Rd,Doncaster,United Kingdom
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Meat, meat the musical fruit!
BBQ the manliest mode of cooking and the manliest mode of eating. You all know how it goes. You throw some meat on the fire, cook it till it's black then gorge yourself of in until you feel sick. All the while trying to drink you're your own weight in booze.
We finished eating maybe an hour ago and I am still trying to digest the meat I have swallowed and on top of that I have several beers sitting.
Now last summer I gave up drinking. At the same time I quit smoking (which I'm still doing 11 months on thank you very much!) I also started dieting but that's another story all together!
I forget where I'm going with this because my friends and I have been talking comics for the whole time I have been trying to write this.
I guess what I'm getting at is ... Flame grilled meat is good!
Happy summer everybody!
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We finished eating maybe an hour ago and I am still trying to digest the meat I have swallowed and on top of that I have several beers sitting.
Now last summer I gave up drinking. At the same time I quit smoking (which I'm still doing 11 months on thank you very much!) I also started dieting but that's another story all together!
I forget where I'm going with this because my friends and I have been talking comics for the whole time I have been trying to write this.
I guess what I'm getting at is ... Flame grilled meat is good!
Happy summer everybody!
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Location:Broadwater,Barnsley,United Kingdom
One issue down, Several hundred more to go with any luck!
It's been a while since I finished my first issue. A week or so now and I was meaning to post something when it was completed, a sort of congratulatory update where I pat myself on the back and talk about how great I feel. Well some time has passed since then and I would just like to say, for the record, I do feel pretty great about it!
Sure Its only a first draft and yes there is no artist attached yet so its not really finished but it still doesn't alter the fact that I completed something I set out to do some four years ago now and that feels pretty awesome! To be honest it still feels pretty weird that it has taken me this long to get started, or that I managed to get anything out of it. For such a long time it was but a passing thought in the back of my mind and now it is a real "thing" that I can hold in my hand. Well I could if it were printed out (and I had a working printer to do so)
The plan is still the same, to build up a number of issues and then go looking for someone to realize this world of mine. I know how it will look in my head, I just need to find someone with the talent to put that on the page. Shouldn't be too hard, I just need to find someone with the right style to give a shit about a indie superhero book written by a fan boy who has never done this before ... sounds easy doesn't it?
Well lets just hope that we can get that far.
Until next time true believers!
Sure Its only a first draft and yes there is no artist attached yet so its not really finished but it still doesn't alter the fact that I completed something I set out to do some four years ago now and that feels pretty awesome! To be honest it still feels pretty weird that it has taken me this long to get started, or that I managed to get anything out of it. For such a long time it was but a passing thought in the back of my mind and now it is a real "thing" that I can hold in my hand. Well I could if it were printed out (and I had a working printer to do so)
The plan is still the same, to build up a number of issues and then go looking for someone to realize this world of mine. I know how it will look in my head, I just need to find someone with the talent to put that on the page. Shouldn't be too hard, I just need to find someone with the right style to give a shit about a indie superhero book written by a fan boy who has never done this before ... sounds easy doesn't it?
Well lets just hope that we can get that far.
Until next time true believers!
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
It's just a ride... And Bill Hicks is driving
I just came back from the cinema and felt this needed a post. This afternoon I saw American the Bill Hicks story and loved it.
I knew the story anyway, I had read the books, watched the gigs, read the interviews and anecdotes so I knew what was coming but it was still an enjoyable experience.
The tale of Bill as a youngster is an interesting one, the youngest of three children raised by loving parents in a quiet town. Ok so far it doesn't sound all that interesting but it's something that interested me. I do enjoy how his dream was to entertain. It reminded me an awful lot of Andy Kaufman and what d'ya know they were both pretty damn funny. Sometimes I wish I had the drive to do something when I think of it. Think maybe I could be a better person if I did that.
The movie is great. I loved the style of it all. The animated sequences were really cool, they had a real hand made kind of vibe and I think it fit the piece very well. The fact people could narrate the movie through their animated photograph.
I'm cutting this short because food is coming up soon so check out the film if you can. Great way to spend a couple of hours!

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I knew the story anyway, I had read the books, watched the gigs, read the interviews and anecdotes so I knew what was coming but it was still an enjoyable experience.
The tale of Bill as a youngster is an interesting one, the youngest of three children raised by loving parents in a quiet town. Ok so far it doesn't sound all that interesting but it's something that interested me. I do enjoy how his dream was to entertain. It reminded me an awful lot of Andy Kaufman and what d'ya know they were both pretty damn funny. Sometimes I wish I had the drive to do something when I think of it. Think maybe I could be a better person if I did that.
The movie is great. I loved the style of it all. The animated sequences were really cool, they had a real hand made kind of vibe and I think it fit the piece very well. The fact people could narrate the movie through their animated photograph.
I'm cutting this short because food is coming up soon so check out the film if you can. Great way to spend a couple of hours!
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Tuesday, 15 June 2010
The Englishman who went up a hill and came down a... Well a hill!
I got back from Edinburgh this afternoon and I'd just like to say for the record seen as it was technically my first holiday in twenty years it was awesome!

We drove up on Sunday, taking what seemed to be the longest route possible for no reason other than ... That's what the sat nav told us to do! Took us up through the Yorkshire dales which were beautiful (I will use that word a lot today so get used to it) we hit several pockets of heavy rain on the way up which was kinda scary as visability was so low but was fantastically dramatic! It added to the excitement of my northern adventure.

When you get there you are greeted with some amazing architecture from a time long since past and some great modern design work. Then you turn a corner and come across a natural wonder which just blows your mind like the hill we climbed in holyrood park. The peak you see in the picture is not the top. We climbed all the way to the top of that 823ft tall sucker and if I'm honest, I feel more of a man for doing so. I was totaly frakked at the end of it but it was an amazing experience and I encourage anyone who is up that neck of the woods to do it!

When not mountaineering (yes I know it was a hill) we took in some culture, the national gallery (if I'm honest I was competely ignorant to everything in there. I do not read religeous subtext well and it was wasted on me) a pretty cool local pub up near the castle (forgot the name ...sorry!) and the castle itself. I had forgotten just how much I love castles, the whole concept of a castle excites me. The thought of building a structure to keep out anyone you dislike or would wish you dead is my idea of home security! I did enjoy being on two of the highest points in the city. In case of a zombie outbreak i'm headed up there for the high places!

The trip was capped off with a trek up to what became my favourite spot in the city Carlton hill, the site of the nelson monument and what I heard was an attempted and unsucessful recreation of the a Greek landmark (who's name also illudes me!) to watch the Sun go down over what is now my most favourite place! I spent less than 48 hours there and I fell in love with the place, I saw less than a fraction of the city and I fell in love with the place. If you are out there dream woman... We are moving to Edinburgh after the nuptials.
I can't tell you how amazing it was to visit the place. On the first night we found our way to the nelson monument and looked out over the city, the bay and holyrood park. At that moment I knew I could easily fit in there. That view said more to me about the amazing things in this world than anything else in I have seen in my life.
E-burgh (that's my name for her... It's okay, we're cool) you blew my mind. I must save up and do it again. Hopefully for longer than a day!
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We drove up on Sunday, taking what seemed to be the longest route possible for no reason other than ... That's what the sat nav told us to do! Took us up through the Yorkshire dales which were beautiful (I will use that word a lot today so get used to it) we hit several pockets of heavy rain on the way up which was kinda scary as visability was so low but was fantastically dramatic! It added to the excitement of my northern adventure.
When you get there you are greeted with some amazing architecture from a time long since past and some great modern design work. Then you turn a corner and come across a natural wonder which just blows your mind like the hill we climbed in holyrood park. The peak you see in the picture is not the top. We climbed all the way to the top of that 823ft tall sucker and if I'm honest, I feel more of a man for doing so. I was totaly frakked at the end of it but it was an amazing experience and I encourage anyone who is up that neck of the woods to do it!
When not mountaineering (yes I know it was a hill) we took in some culture, the national gallery (if I'm honest I was competely ignorant to everything in there. I do not read religeous subtext well and it was wasted on me) a pretty cool local pub up near the castle (forgot the name ...sorry!) and the castle itself. I had forgotten just how much I love castles, the whole concept of a castle excites me. The thought of building a structure to keep out anyone you dislike or would wish you dead is my idea of home security! I did enjoy being on two of the highest points in the city. In case of a zombie outbreak i'm headed up there for the high places!
The trip was capped off with a trek up to what became my favourite spot in the city Carlton hill, the site of the nelson monument and what I heard was an attempted and unsucessful recreation of the a Greek landmark (who's name also illudes me!) to watch the Sun go down over what is now my most favourite place! I spent less than 48 hours there and I fell in love with the place, I saw less than a fraction of the city and I fell in love with the place. If you are out there dream woman... We are moving to Edinburgh after the nuptials.
I can't tell you how amazing it was to visit the place. On the first night we found our way to the nelson monument and looked out over the city, the bay and holyrood park. At that moment I knew I could easily fit in there. That view said more to me about the amazing things in this world than anything else in I have seen in my life.
E-burgh (that's my name for her... It's okay, we're cool) you blew my mind. I must save up and do it again. Hopefully for longer than a day!
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Thursday, 3 June 2010
I just had to post something about the recent "Leaks" from Marvels movie side. Today two designs were leaked for the new Captain America and Thor movie costumes. Now I want to state rather early that these designs are fan submissions, Newsarama has a concise recount of the tale.
so now all the boring, this is how it is stuff is out of the way we can on with the freak out.
How Frakking amazing do those costumes look? I love how they made Cap's uniform tactical and strappy (is strappy a real word?) I love all the lines and the padded shoulders.
I love Thor's ultimate styled chest plate and the quilted under shirt. I hope his cape is made of thick, heavy church curtains! Yeah maybe it would look better with the helmet and maybe the boot merge into the pants to much but ... Mein Gott! I got excited when I saw these.
I know we shouldn't wish our lives away but ... roll on next summer!
you can check out both designs and more over at Newsarama
so now all the boring, this is how it is stuff is out of the way we can on with the freak out.
How Frakking amazing do those costumes look? I love how they made Cap's uniform tactical and strappy (is strappy a real word?) I love all the lines and the padded shoulders.
I love Thor's ultimate styled chest plate and the quilted under shirt. I hope his cape is made of thick, heavy church curtains! Yeah maybe it would look better with the helmet and maybe the boot merge into the pants to much but ... Mein Gott! I got excited when I saw these.
I know we shouldn't wish our lives away but ... roll on next summer!
you can check out both designs and more over at Newsarama
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Inspiration: a cry for help!
Some of you know, some of you don't I'm a comic book geek! I get excited about a story arc or an homage or a creator working on or featured in a comic the say way normal people get excited about going out at the weekend to get wasted and start a fight! I'm the guy who turned to my friend during Iron man 2 (and he can vouch for this because he turned to me at the same time) and gushed when I saw Caps shield, or at the end when we saw Mjöllnir during the Thor reveal at the end. Apologies if you haven't seen the movie yet but its your own fault you should have gone! its Iron man for frakks sake!
Now some of you know, but most of you don't I have been planning a comic book for a few years now. In fact its coming up to an unofficial anniversary of sorts seen as it was about 5 years since I had the first conversations regarding a comic. It feels like now is maybe the right time to bring this up because I seem to be struggling with it at the minute. I need some help i guess is what I'm getting at.
I'm asking for anyone creatively minded who may be interested in such a project to let me know, even if its just to shoot the shit in a brain storming fashion i think I need a new, fresh perspective. I'm starting to think I've become closed, I'm not thinking big enough!
I need some help, so I'm reaching out to you internets!
help me Internet friends, you're my only hope!
Now some of you know, but most of you don't I have been planning a comic book for a few years now. In fact its coming up to an unofficial anniversary of sorts seen as it was about 5 years since I had the first conversations regarding a comic. It feels like now is maybe the right time to bring this up because I seem to be struggling with it at the minute. I need some help i guess is what I'm getting at.
I'm asking for anyone creatively minded who may be interested in such a project to let me know, even if its just to shoot the shit in a brain storming fashion i think I need a new, fresh perspective. I'm starting to think I've become closed, I'm not thinking big enough!
I need some help, so I'm reaching out to you internets!
help me Internet friends, you're my only hope!
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